Material editorial para el XVI Salón Regional de Artistas Zona Centro “¿Qué saben los artistas de…”
Printed and produced with a Public Grant by the Colombian Ministry of Culture
Printed and produced with a Public Grant by the Colombian Ministry of Culture
During 2017–2018, I was part of the public research grant What do artists know of…? (¿Qué saben los artistas de…?) where we asked artists, not about their work practices and craft, but how their life and experience of the world is mediated or changed through art-based knowledge. Alongside 76 artists—coming from a broad terrority in the center of Colombia and from different academic backgrounds—we built a traveling device containing strategy-oriented objects from the artists' particular worldview and concerns. I was mainly involved with aiding in the design and materialization of printed work. The intellectual property of each piece belongs to each of the artists. To learn more about the project visit